Now that it is officially spring it might be a time when you are considering bringing your “seedling” ideas out into the world. You have dreamt about them all winter, considered how they would feel, thought of all the possibilities, and now you are ready. If you have some of those ideas you would like to explore further it might be time for you to consider what baby steps you can take to bring your ideas to fruition. By continuing to work on an idea and see how you can journey forth day by day you will make progress. If you come across and obstacle consider alternate routes. It may have been something you already considered and are ready to tackle! Over the winter months I blogged about visioning and dreaming, thinking about how you would like your life to look, and what you value most. If you have done that and have been looking at your vision board you might have some ideas as to what your next move will be. Some of my clients who have done this process are well on their way of putting their ideas into action. If you are not quite sure yet, take a look at your vision board for clues. Take one piece of it and see what you would like to bring into your life now. How does that look to you? If it is more calm you want in your life what things can you do to bring this quiet time to you? Maybe a bath with candles, possibly a meditation practice, a nourishing meal with friends or family, a walk with out iPods, iPhones, or anyone. There are small incremental ways you can bring this time into your life. If it is a new endeavor have you considered who you can net work with or reach out to on linked in? Have you thought about talking with others who are doing what you are thinking about? These are just a couple of ways you can get curious and explore what interests you. As you enter this spring season consider how you can water your “seedling” ideas and make them grow tall and strong. 

If you are still not sure what it is you would like to explore take some time to do some morning writing. As soon as you wake up, before you check email or do anything else, sit for 15 minutes and just write three pages. Not about anything specific, just a time to clear the cobwebs out and see what is expressed. If you do this for 21 days you will begin to stir up something inside of yourself. As you write, if something strikes you as interesting, get into an exploratory mode, get curious and see where it leads. Maybe read up on an idea, go take that class, discuss with friends. If nothing else it will be interesting. This is a transitional phase so be gentle with yourself. We go through transitions many times in a lifetime and each one requires new dreams, thoughts, visions, passions, action. I have clients who are transitioning into a next stage phase of life after working the same job for years. Others, just want a change, a spark, something new. Some are embarking on new adventures and others just need some clarity. There are many tools to get you there. If you would like to book an exploratory free session with me please feel free to set an appointment up on the calendar. 

Have a wonderful Spring! Share any thoughts you have about your ideas, revelations or spring experiences in the comments below.