This is the time of year when you can see illumination all around you. As I drive through the streets at night or walk in the city I see lights on storefronts, trees, houses, in windows, on menorahs on wreaths, in restaurants, everywhere I look! I love this time of year looking at all of these lights that glitter and sparkle. Hanukkah will end today, Monday December 10th, but I have loved how it elegantly ushered in the season with the lighting of the menorah candles each night progressing throughout the week. As each light was lit I was being brought closer and closer towards the Christmas holidays and I began to smell the pine that wafted in the air as Christmas trees were piled along the fence on various streets in NYC ready to be sold and brought home and illuminated with lights and sparkle.

All of this got me thinking about how I want my intention to be during this season. What do I want to bring forward as I go to a party, entertain guests, buy a gift or visit with family? I like to imagine that illumination within me pouring out on everyone I meet. Maybe that sounds a bit corny but I do like to imagine this. When I meditate I actually imagine a lotus flower in the center of my chest with all of it’s points gathering light and spreading out into the world bringing peace and love. We can all use some of that now so why not begin with me? Rather than rushing around trying to “get everything done” take a breath and ask what intention do I want to bring to this moment? If you are wrapping a gift think about the person getting it and the beauty of the gift wrapping. If you cook something or bake think of the what you are offering and infuse it with your intention. Every interaction can have the intention of being present, being aware, listening, and hopefully some illumination! One definition of illumination is “To illuminate something means to shine light on it and to make it brighter and more visible.” So shine your light on things that you want to make brighter and more visible! What does that look like to you? 


“You have to find what sparks a light in you so that you in your own way can illuminate the world.”
Oprah Winfrey

Find what brings you joy and do more of it. Find what nourishes you and do more of it. Find what illuminates you and share it with the world. Find your light within and let it shine. If you would like to share what that is please do so in the comments below. I am sure others would love to hear about your illumination.