At the end of yoga class they traditionally do savasana. I love this pose best of all. đŸ™‚ “Savasana is a very important part of yoga practice because it allows us to reap the benefits of our physical endeavors,” says my yoga practitioner. It allows me to calm my brain and all my inner nerve circuitry. It helps lower blood pressure, reduces headaches, fatigue and stress. Savasana can be challenging to some. Your mind can race, you may wonder how much longer, you may even fall asleep and snore! ( Which really tells you your body is tired!) It is a time to surrender. A time to reboot. Our world values moving fast and productivity more than taking time to cultivate quiet. This quiet time can set you up to be more creative, conscious and productive. Did you know that Warren Buffet may not do Savasana but he keeps his calendar completely empty. He believes in quiet time so he can think, be creative, strategic and he says time is the only thing you can’t buy. Here he is being interviewed with Bill Gates by Charlie Rose if you want to take a look.

We all need to be careful with our time. It is good to block out some Savasana time for rest, restoring, and connection with self and loved ones. It is also good to block out time on your calendar for thinking time. Go to a cafe and bring a pen and paper and see what comes up as you tune and listen. Would love to hear all about it!